We want your kids to love church!
The Student Ministery here at The Sanctuary of the Palm Beaches is purposed to equipping the next generation in how to love God and love people! We want our kids to learn what the Bible teaches about living a life after Jesus Christ. By creating services and safe environments geared towards learning about the Bible, we can teach the next generation how to impact the world!
Children’s Ministry
Our elementary aged children's ministry is designed to help them learn the stories and values of the Bible through games, music, activities, and engaging lessons. This ministry helps parents raise children who love and trust Jesus.
Sunday Power Hour: Wednesday Children's Church:
Every 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sunday of the month Every Wednesday
Ages 5-12 Ages: 4-12
Start Time: 11:00am Start Time: 7:15pm
Youth Ministry
Our Youth Department is comprised of 2 groups: Middle School and High School, each of which offers classes and activities designed to help students live a rich, Christian life. We provide a fun, energetic environment for students to grow in their relationships with each other and with God.
Every Wednesday Night
Time: 7pm
Ages: 13-18
Hyphen Ministry
The hyphen ministry provides young adults and married couples between the ages of 22-35 with monthly activities geared to their needs and interests. This ministry seeks to connect young adults with one another, encourage them to do life together, and help them grow together in God.
Every 2nd Wednesday Night of the month
Time: 7pm
Ages: 18+